Monday 14 December 2009

Audience Reasearch & Business data

My chosen genre is the THRILLER genre.
The research that i have done into this genre shows that it is a very popular genre.
According to"", which is a website that gives daily account's of the top grossing movies showing at the box office in America. The information shows that out of the top 18 movies showing at the box office on the 16th November 2009, 4 were of the "Thriller" genre. these movies were
. Law Abiding Citizen (which was the 6th highest grossing movie of the day)
. The Fourth Kind (which was the 7th highest grossing movie of the day)
. The Box (which was the10th highest grossing movie of the day)
. The Informant (which was the18th highest grossing movie of the day).
This is significant evidence in showing my chosen genres' popularity.
Out of all the many different genre's in the world, Thriller movies are the 5th most popular grossing genre of movie between the years of 1995-2009. ( Although this is research based on American people, so to see If Thrillers are so popular over in the UK, i loooked on ( to see the top 10 movies showing at the box office in The UK. Out of the top 10 showing movies out at the box office as of the 17th December, 2 were Thrillers,
. Law Abiding Citezen (number 7)
. The Box (number 9)
This may be due to because it is so close to Chritmas that family movies are more popular round this time of year, because that is what the top 10 mostly consisted of. Still 2 out of 10 is still showing that Thrillers are popular, compared to the hundereds of genres there are showing at the Box Office.
To find out if the British public liked Thriller movie's, my group handed out questionnaires which asked a wide range of questions like;
. Age
. Gender
. How often you go to the cinema
. Favourite Genre of movie
and more specialised questions to help my group find out what people like in a Thriller movie and what makes them so popular.

We handed out our questionnaire to 27 people in total.
There were
11 (15-17 year olds)
9 (18-21 year olds)
1 (22-30 year olds)
1 (31-40 year olds)
5 (41 years +), that answered our questionnaire.
We asked the question "Which of these are your favourite genre of movie? Horror, Thriller or Romantic comedies?"
Strangely, 11 people liked Thrillers and 11 people liked Horror movies as well. Out of the 11 people that answered to liking Thriller movies best, 7 were of the age (15-17) and 2 were between the ages of (18-21) and 2 people were (41+). This shows that according to our research, Thriller movies may appeal to a more younger audience.
Only 5 people liked romantic comedies, showing that Thriller movies are still a popular choice. To get more information about why people like thrillers we asked "Which of these three do you consider to be the most important part of a Thriller movie? Suspense, Fear factor or murder?"
All of the (15-17) year olds answered that they considered suspense to be the most important part of Thriller movies, along with 7 out of the 9 (18-21) year olds also agreeing that suspense is the most important part of a Thriller movie.
The only (31-40) year old we questioned also agreed that suspense was the most important part of a Thriller movie along with 4 out of the 5 (41+) years agreeing with this.
Overall 23 out the 27 people questioned stated that suspense was the most important part of a Thriller movie.
We also asked "Why do you think Thriller movies are so popular at the box office?"
There was a large variety of answer's but overall it seemed that people like to be scared but don’t like the gore that comes with a Horror movie. They like the intriguing and twisted plots that come with Thriller movies and also the fact that there are lots of different varieties of Thrillers available. So there is one to suit every kind of taste.

We are going to rate our movie an "15", The content is more for an 15 year old because of the themes and the photographs of the dead victims aren't as bad to classified an "18".. We know that this will be safe to do because the audeince research shows that Thrillers are mostly watched by people between the ages of (15-17). So the people between the ages of (18-21) can watch the movies and then by the time iot would come out on dvd, the 17 year olds would be 18. This isnt saying that older people do not like thrillers, just that we can rate our movie as an "18" and still know that it will get watched.

1 comment:

  1. this is good Emma, but remember to comment on the fact that the business data is american. also, more British info could have been included; follow the links from my blog for this info. Also, check my blog for a full list of what needs to be on here by tomorrow.
