Monday 14 December 2009

Continuity piece

On the 5th November, my group started to plan our continuity piece.
We story boarded our ideas into 22 frames.

We decided to keep it simple but try and add effective and different shot's into the scene.
Originally there were 3 in our group, but 1 person left. We filmed our continuity piece but it was difficult becasue the 2 of us had to keep running back and forward to the camera at the end of each shot. We borrowed somebody out of our class to appear in our piece to make it easier for us to get more effective shots.
The story was a girl walking to her college classroom, unaware that her stalker was following her. When she arrives in the classroom the stalker confronts her, hands her a love note and makes a quick exit.
We story boarded for there to first be an extreme close up of somebodies feet walking up the stairs and to then show a long shot of the peson reaching the top of the stairs. There is then a long shot looking down the stair case to show the stalker following the girl up the stairs, There is then a long shot of the girl walking through the corridoor followed by a medium shot of the girl walking past the camera. The stalker then appears from behind a water machine in the same shot. There is another long shot of the girl as she walks through the dorr, soon followed by the stalker. There is an "action reply" shot of the stalker following her through the door.
There is an over the shoulder shot of the girls hand opening the door and then a long shot of her walking into the classroom and sitting down, once again then followed in by her stalker.
There is an over the sholder shot of the stalker putting his hand on the girls shoulder and then the girl turns around to reveal a surprised expression on her face. There is then a extreme close up of the stalkers hand taking a note out of his pocket and handing it to the girl. There is then long shop of the stalker leaving the room, followed by the closing shot which is a close up of the girls face looking shocked at what the letter says.
Filming this continutiy piece was a good experience because we got to eperiment with the camera and get to know how it works. We also got to try out lots of different camera shots and angles. We found that some shots that we thought would look good, weren't actually very effective and a different shot suited it better. We also found out some angles are alot harder than others to try and achieve.
It took alot longer than we had thought because of the constant interuptions of people walking past while we were filming. We will take this into consideration when we are filming our final piece and to try and find somehwere more quiet to film to film this time. We shall keep in mind for next time to not do so many different and complicated camera angles and shots and try to keep it more simple. It will be better to do the simple things well trather than fail at the harder things.

1 comment:

  1. this is OK. Perhaps more could have been said about the experience rather than explaining what shots were used, as this is evident from the video itself. Add to this if possible, Emma
