Thursday 17 December 2009

Thematic codes and conventions, investigation into chosen genre

My chosen genre is the Thriller genre.

According to ;

"Thriller Movies are types of films known to promote intense excitement, suspense, a high level of anticipation, ultra-heightened expectation, uncertainty, anxiety, and nerve-wracking tension.
Thriller and suspense films are virtually synonymous and interchangeable categorizations, with similar characteristics and features."

There are so many different tyrpes of Thriller movies, some are ever "cross genre's";
Action Thriller: Is where there is a time limit and lots of violenceand has a typical espionage storyline (countries or people spying on each other)
, for example the "James Bond" movies.
Conspiracy Thriller: Where the hero is confronted by a large group of enemies whose true extent, only they recognize, for exapmle "Three days of the Condor".
Crime Thriller:
This is one of the most popular kinds of Thriller's and usually focuses on the Criminal, rather than the "hero" or people investigating the crime. Crime Thrillers usually emphasize action over psychological aspects, for example "SE7EN".
Disaster Thriller: Is where there is some sort of natural or artificial disaster, such as Volcanoes, Floods, Earthquakes, Hurricanes or nuclear disasters, for example the movie "Earthquake" .
Drama Thriller: Is where a Thriller and Drama movie "crossover" These films are usually slow paced along with alot of plot twists. The character stories are very deep and detialed for example the movie "The Illusionist".
Legal Thriller: Is where the hero is usally a Lawyer and come into contact with the criminal outside and inside the courtroom and their lives are at risk, for example the movie "The Innocent Man".
Medical Thriller: Is where the Hero is usually a Doctor or Surgeon or is having to have surgery etc. An example of this is the movie "Awake".
Psychological Thriller: Is where the conflict between the main characters is mental not physical. They can sometimes border into the "Horror Genre", for example the movie "The Beach"
Spy Thriller: The here usually works for the goverement in some way and needs to take action againt terrorists or rival Goverment Parties, for example the movie "The Bounre Identity".
Religious Thriller: Is where the main plot of the story is based around certian Religious stories or concepts, for example the movie "The Da Vinci Code".

The main conventions of a Thriller movie is good editing. If the editing is done right with quick cuts to different shots and camera angle changes. Also good "tension building" music helps to set of the scene in a Thriller movie. The movie is usally dark to add to the sense of mystery.

All Thriller movies, even though there is a diverse range, follow the same simple codes and conventions.
For example in the movie "From Hell" is a very dark Thriller movie set in London.
Most of the shot's are of dark side alleys.
The hero (Johnny Depp) is shown criminal activity.
There is a killer going round, killing prostiutes and dismembering them.
The Hero starts to investigate the murders to see who could be doing them. He starts to find out lots of strange and wierd facts from the victims friends about who it might be. One of the prostitutes was kidnapped and hasnt been seen since.
The hero knows that the killer either has to be a Doctor/surgeon or a butcher because he knows the anatomy of a person and knows where to cut, so this will narrow the search down.
The hero falls in love with one of the prostitutes "Mary Kelly" and is dreading when the time comes for Jack Thr Ripper to kill her.
The hero starts to find out from the victims friends (because all the victims were friends) that they are being killed off one by one.
The Hero then finds out that the kindnapped woman had gotten pregnant by Prince Eddy and by Catholic law had to get married. Of course this would shame the family so the family doctor (Jack The Ripper) is killing all of the pregnant girls friends so that nobody will know.
Jack The Ripper knows that the Hero is onto him and abducts him in a horse drawn carraige and tries to convince him that he is innocent. The hero has lots more run ins with Jack The Ripper where he has his life put at risk.
Mary Kelly is the last prostitute left out of the group of friends foe Jack The Ripper to kill, but he kills another woman by mistake.
The killing spree is then over.

even though it is quite different, it still follows the typical codes and conventions of
. Hero Finds Criminal Activity
. Hero tries to find criminal and becomes in danger
. Hero puts on life at risk and unravles mystery.

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